
Four Attributes Essential To The Private Cloud Computing

private-cloud-computing-attributesBy the time the market began to talk about cloud computing, most attention was given on the concept of Public Cloud Solutions. Today, however, the priority of IT departments who study the adoption of cloud architecture is to invest in private cloud or hybrid cloud.

Private clouds also have their share of challenges and they are not restricted only to security issues. The difficulty of identifying and managing operational processes is still a barrier for many projects, not counting investments and preparation required for migrating traditional IT environments to cloud computing.

Meet Four Attributes Necessary For The Private Cloud Storage Hosting.

1. A Private Cloud Solution Cannot Be Just a Cloud

Technological concept known as private cloud goes beyond virtualization technology environment. Virtualization is an enabling infrastructure, but what makes them particularly attractive public clouds, is the flexibility and the nature of pay-per-use.

In areas of the company, the features should be similar. The public are the business units, which saw consumer IT. They can “pay” for what they consume and have the flexibility and elasticity to meet variations in volumes and workloads. In many cases, they must gain the ability to provision infrastructure itself. What can not be done is to manage virtual servers in the same way that physicists. If so, the infrastructure does not deserve the definition of cloud computing.

2. The Infrastructure Must Respond To Fluctuations In Capacity Demand

Private cloud must be able to offer ability to restructure and agile. Public clouds do this through server groups. In a corporate network, you can not justify the maintenance of thousands of idle servers, but the company must have a fast way to reallocate capacity.

3. There Must Be a Decision About Who Has Access Control: Users or IT

The company must decide the line of own service users and centralized IT control. Anyone who has a credit card can make an account in the public cloud in minutes. Within the organization, as would be the case? The company wants employees and departments to create their own user accounts and take large blocks of storage on their own?

4. Future Options Should be Taken Into Account

The way the company develops the architecture of private cloud affects the way it expands. It is good to study the market and use a methodology wondering what might need to hire capacity in public clouds and make the appropriate integration.



1 Response

  1. Duane Tursi

    Good perspective Pravin. Somewhere along the way, "Virtual servers + the Internet" became the definition of 'the cloud' for Businesses while AWS and Google defined 'Public Cloud' and SaaS. Interesting that neither AWS or G Compute Engine use the same (or hardly any) information technology vendor's that businesses commonly use. The promise of the cloud and IT as a utility will be delivered when smart software runs applications & stores data on commodity hardware that resides locally inside your business' firewall/s (branches & data centers) and can seamlessly move those applications and data between your premise and any of your sites or cloud service/infrastructure provider. We're beginning to see this take shape with hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) and software defined data center technologies (SDDC).

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