ESDS Knowledge Base


What is SAN Network Technology

The SAN-based network is the creation of a separate internal network which is specifically designed to provide high-bandwidth storage device. It allows you to separate the storage systems of servers, and deploy the drives directly to the Fiber Channel network which allows you to create multiple connections between dedicated servers and data storage, and vice versa.

This approach provides the use of storage devices and benefits the traditional networks in the form of improving scalability, availability and performance. Additionally, data backup is no longer affected in the rest of the network, as traffic associated with the backup is performed on a separate SAN network, that is, outside the LAN.

SAN – is a separate, high performance managed network, optimized and concentrated to provide storage, collaborate servers, the operation of data centers and backup devices. It removes the need for traffic to the corporate network that is optimal for the clients-dedicated servers interaction. This technology provides instant access and it is also a technology that does not disable the system to update it. SAN or network data store is the best choice to ensure continuous work on the principle of 24×7.

In accordance with the progress of technology, a new era of networked storage offers solutions that may be suitable for large and small user environments. This new approach also allows the storage and networking solutions to grow with the user, providing the scalability, performance, availability, and centralized management. It must be remembered that the basic unit of data storage is cheaper but the complexity is expensive.

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