ESDS Knowledge Base


10 Reasons To Deploy In The Cloud

Here are some great features that describes how “cool” is cloud computing:

1. Pay only for the resources you use

This is the basic idea of cloud computing, the ability to use resources (and pay for them) as needed, avoiding the waste and treating dynamically overload situations;

2. Snapshots of groups of virtual machines

How about taking a picture from a set of VMs that comprise a service, rather than just a VM? This further facilitates the availability and use of environments for testing and approval of applications;

3. Hybrid cloud

Integrate your private cloud that is compatible with the suppliers, and increase flexibility and security of the solution;

4. High availability and disaster recovery

Simplify the restoration of the environment and ensure greater availability in the environment;

5. Replace your backup for data replication

There is a current trend to migrate from traditional backup solutions for disk backup and replication;

6. Forget updating the park of dedicated servers

Worry no more to acquire hardware;

7. Book VMs with preinstalled software

VMs with the Pre-installed software you need, further simplifying the supply;

8. Import and export VMs

Migrate to another solution, or host your environment in one infrastructure;

9. Investment vs. fixed monthly cost

Forget the regular investment in the acquisition of hardware and applications, and pay monthly for their use;

10. Save time and money

Whatever the environment, there are undeniable gains by deploying a cloud computing framework. Other factors may prevent its adoption, but not for loss of time or financial reasons.

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