ESDS Knowledge Base


Windows Azure: Migration Scenarios For The Cloud

This week we begin a mini-series on the migration of applications to the Windows Azure platform. How about that?

A recurring question in sessions about cloud computing is just about scenarios in existing on-premise and as we migrate to the cloud services.

What can we migrate? Layers that we enjoy? What is the architecture more indicative? What aspects of connectivity, control, hardware, administration, etc. that will be impacted?

So, I chose some interesting scenarios of migration to be discussed. Among them we will see:

  • Applications Line Of Business (LOB) departmental
  • E-Commerce Sites
  • SOA implementations
  • Reducing map and distribution processes
  • Applications with video /audio/streaming, among others.
  • The idea is to cause some issues, while we present architectures before/after each scenario. Here, space is small to pass through all aspects of a project, but let’s exchange some ideas here.

For example, you have COM, COM + or MFC in your solution on-premise? These technologies are not supported on Windows Azure. I had this conversation last week with a company that has a series of old solutions in VB6, COM + and some components in C + + and MFC.

The Windows Azure platform supports standard libraries in C + +, some functions of the Win32 API and all resources of .NET 3.5 SP1, in addition to templates for Web Roles, WCF Web Roles, Worker Roles, and Fast CGI. So we’ll see more details of architectural choices throughout the series.

And feel free to suggest new scenarios or actual cases in your company.

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