Digital Signature Upload in SAP Portal
SAR files (digitally signed SAP Note files) that have been verified using the Note Assistant tool can now be uploaded in SAP BASIS 700 releases. In SAP BASIS editions below 700, the improvement of uploading digitally signed SAP Notes files that are confirmed using the SNOTE tool is not supported. As a result, you upload SAP Notes files in TXT format.
This action should be completed for every SAP Note with a release lower than SAP BASIS 700 that you intend to upload into your system. With releases below SAP BASIS 700, repeat this procedure for each SAP Note upload. If SNOTE is not yet ready to process digitally signed SAP Notes files, you must do the same on releases after SAP BASIS 700.
Below are the Steps to upload Digital Signature in the SAP portal:
- Log in to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, there click on Configuration tab >>> click on Infrastructure tab and under Infrastructure tab, Select Adobe Document Services.

- Follow the below steps as shown, click on Document Security tab >>> Manage P12 Files >>> 100232

- Next, Manage P12 Files, click on Add New File for Adding new files, and proceed as shown.

- As shown below screenshot, you can also upload files by clicking on Choose File option.

- Next, after clicking on Choose file option, the below window will pop out and from there you can choose the file and upload it.

- Once the file is been successfully uploaded, you will see the below.

- Next, in the Document Security window, you can Add New Object

- Add the details as shown below and click on the save tab.

- By Clicking on the object, you can see the details of it at the bottom.

- In this way, we have to delete this old signature.

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