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A Basic Safety Guide On Securing Linux Servers

The Linux system offers its users great usability advantages, all those who have used it say so, but one of the main sights with those who do not know about the system is the assurance on Linux Servers, ie which are those aspects for which Linux is considered as a safe and reliable system. In this article we will try to point out what are the key elements of this concept.

Advantages of Linux Dedicated Servers

Undoubtedly there are great advantages in securing Linux servers, the main one is that the vast majority of computer attacks that are made, are targeted at servers and desktops that are based on Windows, ie There are a variety of risks that were created with the purpose of attacking that particular system.

Another advantage with the counting system to Linux on Windows system is that the latter is not administered in the most optimal user privileges, so that a Windows server can be made much more reliable, however carrying out this work involves doing a lot of work and yet there is very little information for Windows administrators that can be carried out.

This happened because it was not expected that Windows servers may suffer some kind of problem, however the real problem arose when servers suffered some drawbacks, in this case the usual treatment is to recover files and reinstall.

As you can see this is united with the main advantages of Linux, besides this, Linux server has almost no viruses like Trojans and worms, or any other that can really affect, however this does not mean that this type of virus cannot exist, so we should always take the necessary preventive measures.

How can it be done on Linux Servers?

The design of the Linux servers within their modules have one kernel that is known as the NetFilter, this module allows you to manage both access and connections to TCP / IP, so you can say, through the Kernel, that is something that should not be done in some cases, almost always ends with designing a Netfilter Firewall, this will come across a tool called IP tables that exists since version 2.4 of the Linux Kernel.

Formerly called IP chains used another option, but now this is already obsolete.

The best thing you can do to make a Linux Server basic, is to close all ports of TCP / IP, then you may need to open only; servers, as the name implies, provide users with specific tasks, it is recommended for protecting the system, close everything and provide access to the outside, only those services you want to offer to the world.

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