
Install Apache+PHP+MySQL

In the latest Linux distributions so-called RedHat based distributions installation ligament Apache+PHP+MySQL presents no special problems. But, as always, sometimes there are little pitfalls that often confuse novice admins, owners of dedicated servers, and programmers.

We describe this process as an example with Fedora Core 4.

We go to the server as root and type the following commands:
yum install httpd (this we have established in apache);
yum install PHP (this we have established in php);
yum install mysql-Server (this we have established in mysql);

and the final touch:

yum install php-mysql
without this bunch of php + mysql will not work.

The default is typically not installed in GD libraries (often used by various scripts) and mbstring (the library require phpmyadmin). For this, we collect the following commands:

yum install php-mbstring
yum install php-gd

Also, I am still faced with the fact that the characters of other languages appear as question marks. This is because the Apache force indicates all files to UTF-8. This can be fixed in the configuration file of httpd.conf .

Look there are lines:

# Specify a default charset for all content served; this enables
# Interpretation of all content as UTF-8 by default. To use the
# Default browser choice (ISO-1 eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine), or to allow the META tags
# In HTML content to override this choice, comment out this
# Directive:

# AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

And check that before AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 always stood the pound sign.

Here’s the secret installation. Now write ntsysv and put an asterisk in front of emerging service httpd and mysqld to ensure that these services are started automatically after reboot.


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