
Benefits of Building Security Features into the Cloud Infrastructure


Even though the self-hosted infrastructure seem to be free from cloud-hosted infrastructure threats, but meeting the security expectations of those who depend on it can be prohibitively expensive. Usually, it costs a lot to secure a hosting infrastructure with respect to the amount of machines that need to be secured.

Some of the fixed costs consists:

  • Grouping a host and network security strategies
  • Giving training to staff as required by security strategies
  • Always staying updated about the new threats and countermeasures
  • Developing a good relationship with law enforcement

Operators of the cloud infrastructure can easily liquidate these fixed costs over a much bigger infrastructure then that of self-hosting organizations. Cloud hosting companies staff can specialize more than in their equivalent administering self hosted infrastructure. It simply allows them to create expertise that helps to increase the productivity.

The managed security services already enable the self-hosted infrastructure owners to gain some of these scale benefits. These solutions range from solution in a box and these boxes offers features such as firewalls, backup, spam filtering to full service security consulting and the system monitoring.

Unfortunately, these managed security services can expose customers to many of the same threats that a cloud hosting providers customers face. For example, a spam email filtering box will have complete access to the customers infrastructure and all of the incoming email, as is open to secret search.

Also, security features built within the infrastructure can be much cheaper to associate into an application, that those that needs new elements to be installed or that having an API key that may not be feasible to customize to the infrastructure.

Lets have a look at some important security features that could be built into cloud hosting as well as some them that already exists in the cPanel:

  • Network and operating system auditing tools
  • Tracking of all installed software, publishers, versions, and patch levels
  • Credit card storage and fraud detection system
  • Public/Private key generation, certificate generation, and storage
  • Secure logging of system events
  • Spam Email Filtering
  • Password hashing and storage
  • CAPTCHA generation and verification
  • Software widgets such as password-strength meters

Clients can easily afford most of these features if they have to cover only their share of the marginal costs. Another great advantage of creating security features into the cloud infrastructure is to render the new attacks data from multiple tenants, so that the monitoring system gets more alert to prevent other customers from similar attacks.


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