
Model For Building A Cloud Infrastructure

While our country can be called a “cloud country” solely in terms of its climate. In the development of cloud computing, our country has not yet succeeded. Nevertheless, to attribute the cloud to the number of unpromising directions for our country would be premature and erroneous. Just the opposite: that “cloud computing” may be popular as anywhere in the world, and there are several prerequisites.

Factor of geographical distribution, logically, should be the main catalyst for the transition to “cloud services“. It is in terms of territorial fragmentation minimize the costs of providing IT services is becoming increasingly important. Construction of large data centers and the creation of “cloud services” on their basis will lead to an increase in supply in the market that will make cloud computing more accessible and economically beneficial for both business and private users.

Now efforts have been made to improve the accessibility of state institutions and their services for citizens. Instruments of such integration processes should serve as information portals that are created on the principle of “single windows“. They can become a single access point for information exchange between public authorities and consumers of their services. For the functioning of such information systems in a distributed environment, you need to create a distributed and adaptive execution environment, the role which can take on a cloud for a vertically integrated structures (government, health care, e-governance services, tax and customs services, etc.).

What prevents the clouds

However, there are a number of objective and subjective factors that hinder the implementation of cloud services. So, now broadband internet access are developed only in large metropolitan areas, where there is the main controlling structure of enterprises. The principal business assets are often located in regions with poor telecom infrastructure, forcing the owners to form the IT assets on the ground and prevents the creation of even private clouds within a single business entity.

Another constraining factor – it’s psychological unpreparedness of top management to the use of cloud services. The main concerns managers associated with release of data by making them outside its network, including the transfer of their open channels within their own clouds. Also significantly increase the risks of leakage for companies whose business activities are not very transparent (double entry bookkeeping, the partial use of unlicensed software). Lack of physical access control to information assets, according to managers, increases the chances of their competitors or government regulatory authorities.

Many managers lack the required quality of guards services. Cloud services market is in the initial stage of formation. First and foremost, providers of these services should serve providers of communications services, but so far they are not very interested in this. Firstly, they are not willing to provide the required level of quality of service (SLA), and secondly – are not eager “to throw” investment in the sector unformed demand. Lack of adequate legal framework, within which it can  resolve disputes regarding the quality, is also a deterrent to form a “cloud” of the market.

Often the limiting factor in the transition to the cloud (including – and private) is opposed by its own IT department. Employees fear reduction or wage cuts due to reduced demand for their services – the transmission of information assets to an outside service or reducing the physical objects in their area of responsibility.

As cloud services are only at the stage of formation (in terms of technology, and in terms of services), then there is no unambiguous prescription for the transition to their use. Therefore, the decision on which services to make the clouds, and how to preserve the traditional approach should be taken individually. This decision may depend on the areas of business, the type of software, legislation, etc. However, according to experts, today, it is highly undesirable to make a cloud in a public accounting system, resources that contain personal data (and processing their IP) information containing trade secrets and confidential information; internal software solutions that are tailored to specific enterprise.


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