
A Lap With Cloud Services

It seems that this year’s buzzword in the IT sector is the cloud computing or cloud services. We at ESDS Software Solution Pvt. Ltd.,  are working on adding the various cloud services available in India and worldwide, when we get ready, we will announce it here. Until then I will left some things that can help everyone to better understand the state of development of this technology, several articles are written recently on his blog.

Platform as a Service (PAAS) on the Cloud Services: The main idea of a platform as a service is the number of “layers” that gives the developer when building an application on a third party application: not only solves the problem of hardware infrastructure – machines, bandwidth, scalability, availability – but also several layers of software infrastructure.

Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) in the Cloud Services: the basic idea is that of outsourcing of servers to disk space, database and / or computing time, instead of having complete control of them in the data center,  the company or opt for a data center and only manage it.

eCloud, middleware in Cloud Services : eCloud is not just a product to make a “new middleware in cloud, the idea is to provide opportunities for “private clouds” (who provides the resources that are within the corporate firewall, optimizing depends on demand) .

The problems of Cloud Computing : With several large software companies with products or software-based projects in the cloud, it’s time for taking a look at the uncertainties, risks and shadows that accompany this “new paradigm” for locking the provider, control, return on investment and centralization among others.


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