
The IT industry operates to a key word: Evolution

Evolution is transformation of the present into the futuristic. Envisioning the next big thing while keeping an eye on the prevailing mores is what helps the industry grow. Globalisation dynamics, rapid digitisation and evolving customer expectations continue to alter the business world in fundamental ways. A careful review of the IT scenario today reveals certain broad-based trends, which indicate the direction the industry must take in the years to come.

A number of these trends have the potential to fundamentally change the manner in which businesses interact with their clients, paving the way for a far more comprehensive and engaging consumer experience. It is becoming absolutely vital that these business enterprises, and more importantly, their IT partners gear themselves for these changes that will help them remain perpetually ahead of the curve when it comes to market essentials.

Cloud technology, for one, is going to become a crucial aspect for companies in conducting their business. Within the next two years, nearly half the IT spending is going to be allocated to cloud computing. The focus will be on delivering constant innovation, rather than merely facilitating warehousing and gate-keeping.

Customised and highly refined cloud solutions will be the norm rather than the exception. The effectiveness of ESDS’ very own patent-applied eNlight Cloud Service is a testament to the fact.

A parallel evolution is seen in the field of data center solutions. The adoption of virtualisation and increasing push for automation in recent years has led to IT companies opting for co-located data centers as opposed to on-site ones. Our own state-of-the-art infrastructure in Maharashtra facilitates the provision of high quality managed hosting, managed servers, server racks & cages and system security.

The latter, especially, has become particularly vital lately. A slew of recent revelations (think Snowden and the NSA) have meant that consumers globally now have a huge trust deficit in the ability of Internet-based service-providers to keep their private data private. In the years to come, ensuring security and confidentiality of data must become an overarching priority for the average data center and cloud operator, in a world where even behemoths like Google, Yahoo and Facebook have discovered that their vast reservoirs of data are targets for intelligence snoops.

Futurable now  ?  incorporating the wisdom

History has shown that ambition and a desire for innovation are the cornerstones of evolution.

Futurability implies striving for constant evolution while remaining adaptable and flexible as an enterprise, maintaining a state of inclusive engagement to actively create an intentional future.


An organisation prepped for the future is one that provides continuity of quality, an assurance of data security, is effortless in the scaling of its goals, is flexible in thought and action, has the foresight to predict consumer needs and remains consumer-centric to its core

It is this ideology that propels us at ESDS, as we strive for robust, innovative solutions, while delivering the highest standard of technology, enhancing client and consumer experiences, alike.

Discover ESDS, committed to enabling futurability of your business, today.


Piyush Somani

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