
Check Website for Malware – ESDS VTMScan

The evolving cybercrimes are reshaping ways to attack your website and there are more threats now than ever before due to the increased number of unsecured websites. Many attacks are reported everyday which are related to hacking a website or infecting a website which has caused the owners a huge loss of data, time and money. Very few people are educated on this issue but more people need to be aware of how important their website is in their business. Think of it as, your website is a retail store and if it is not secured then some criminals or attackers would enter and cause a chaos. As a website owner you don’t want that because there is important data on your website and it is your responsibility to protect it.

A lot of business owners think that the hackers don’t have eyes on their website just because they have a small business and don’t have a lot of sensitive content on their website; but the truth is, hackers don’t care if you have a small or a big website, if you have an unsecured website then it is presumed that they will definitely attack it for their gains.  There are safety measures which you can take in order to safeguard your website against all kinds of online threats and realize the importance of secure website before it’s too late.

Malware which is short for malicious software is a malicious code which is hidden in a website to perform unwanted action in the website and on the webserver to steal sensitive data and payment information. Say, you visit a random website and see that it is infected by malware; you are definitely not going to revisit the website. If your business is on your website and it is affected by malware then it could be a death knell for your business. Major search engines will actually blacklist your website if it is infected by malware; as Google can detect the malware in your website and decide to steer people away from your website for their own good but will directly affect your business.

Look for Common Signs of Malware in your Website

You will not immediately find out that your website has malware but there are obvious signs which will lead you to the apparent decision which is; YOUR WEBSITE CONTAINS MALWARE. One sign which is website defacement is the only way of knowing that a website has malware. In case your website isn’t defaced then there are other signals like:

  1. Your Login information is changed without your approval

  2. Files on website were either modified or deleted
  3. Frequently freezing and crashing of website
  4. You’ll notice a change in your SEO results
  5. You’ll notice a rapid increase or drop in your website traffic

It is valuable to have an anti-malware scanner like ESDS VTMScan which detects every type online threat

ESDS VTMScan Detection Technique:

ESDS VTMScan scans for page defacement in Malware scan. It searches for defacement keywords on each and every page it has crawled and reports it immediately.

  1. ESDS VTMScan checks for JavaScript’s codes against generic signatures for vulnerabilities.

  2. It has algorithm to check for JavaScript obfuscation which check for vulnerable malware patterns.
  3. Third party links found in page are also getting checked in Google malware database.
  4. Application file detection like .rar, .exe, .apk.
  5. Page source scan for Stored Client XSS, hidden iframe tag, remote source detection, information disclosure (IP/E-mail).

You can easily dig in your website to check malware in your database, files and source code

Check for Database Malware

In order to check for malware in your database, you will need a database administration tool to check for signs of malware by using a list of common syntax used by cyber attackers.

Check for Malware in Source Code

If you are looking for malware in your source code then there are two attributes you will need to check which are: script attribute and iframe attribute. If any URL begins with “<script src=>” or <iframe src=”URL”> and if the URL doesn’t look familiar, it’s a sign of cybercriminal activity.

Check for Malware in your files

Search for malicious content in your website’s files or host provided file manager. The common types of injections on WordPress and other CMS integrated websites can be found and detected through a user.


Always take frequent back-ups of your website so that in case of a cyber-attack, you can easily recover your website with quick response time. You should know how a normal and clean code looks like so that you can spot if there are any signs of malware. Being very cautious with your website is the first step towards safety, using anti-malware scanner like ESDS VTMScan is a good move for your business.

Shubham Kale
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