
Data Centers In The Long Term


The modern world is changing very fast. Economic control centers are shifting from West to East, from North to South. Economic liberalization is a key driver of this process. The speed with which the smooth movement of capital, the general demographic trends resettlement of people from an isolated rural areas to large cities, has a more rapid pace of life – all these engines also serves liberalization. However, the most important factor in view of the process – this technology.

Industry and IT-technologies are developing faster than ever. The small production, and the ability to adapt quickly to put into operation new technologies quickly, bypass the large-scale “dinosaurs” of the industry, who are committed to long-term investment.

Capital can hardly differ uniform distribution. A recent long-term forecast of HSBC demonstrates that in 2050 the richest countries in terms of GDP will be China, the U.S. and India (in that order). But the richest countries in terms of per capita income (ie, in terms of the wealth of citizens) are Japan, the U.S. and Germany (in that order). Consequently, the rich will remain rich and the poor stay poor, as always happens in our world. Natural resources, particularly water, will cause various conflicts caused by the growth of economic activity.

All of these significant social changes will lead to the emergence of a new middle class, richer than before. The forecast also says that in 2050 the middle class will identify themselves 1-1.5 billion people. These people will be of high purchasing power. They will need access to a variety of public sector services such as education and health care. The above economic activity will require a greater number of communications and IT-services that affect the growth capacity of data processing centers (DPC).

For the first time in human history, geography is not a deterrent. Every person on the planet can communicate with anyone without any restrictions. This has led to the emergence of new applications for communications, such as Facebook and Twitter. It also leads to new and unexpected behaviors of the crowd. The scope and size of social media will continue to grow, and with it the need to grow and the possibility of data centers.

The world continues to move toward the expansion of knowledge, which increases the intensity and speed of information dissemination. It is projected that between 2013 and 2025, the number of students around the world will be doubled, with half of the increase will come from China and India. Mobility of students and increase the popularity of online learning as a way of thinking is changing and getting information, people are more satisfied with the existing networks of global communication.

In the future, we should expect a variety of unexpected effects of a changed way of thinking and take action. The scientific work – a clear confirmation, usually by publication of a scientific edition takes two years, during which a range of treatments, expert evaluation, etc. happens. Why in the world where everyone is waiting for the immediate release of information, there must be a threshold in two years? Does anyone agree to wait for such a long time?

As a rule, the more successful people or companies that have outdated ideas, the more difficult for them will be to produce something new. West and North have always been the leading players in the field of innovation and the capital increase, which began with the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century. In part, this dominance survived to this day. These countries could easily control the flow of ideas and information, which allowed to innovate faster than competitors do.

However, this approach is no longer possible in a world where we are willing to share knowledge with each other. All public data immediately moves from West to East and from North to South. In 2011, the first time in a long history of nearly half of the world’s patents were issued to Chinese applicants. China is an ancient civilization, whose history and thought existed long before most Western civilizations. The Chinese way of thinking is no better and no worse than Western way of thinking, it just has its differences, and as a result of which there are innovations, unexpected for the residents of the West.

The main task for the next thirty or forty years is to quickly grasp all the changes and continuously adapt to new and evolving circumstances. People and companies are able to filter out and use the latest information to prosper, while unable to keep up with the time that will simply drown in information that flows. The core of this process will always be the transmission and processing of data so that the data center in the future has is rosy light.


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