
Reasons For Your Company To Invest In Disaster Recovery

disaster-recovery-planInterruptions happen… Either for technical failures, human, fraud or natural disasters. What will determine the severity of the problem is how much your company is prepared for this type of occurrence. It is worth mentioning that a good disaster recovery plan involves much more than off-site storage or backup processing. It is essential to put on paper in detail everything that is related to this contingency plan, considering all critical functions and business functions. This document must also include the step by step tested and approved procedures that, when followed, should ensure continuity of operations.

For many reasons, but mainly for lack of anyone who thinks the company strategically in the long run, many organizations are caught off guard by an event that makes them ‘off’ and lose content – even temporarily. Thus, it is imperative that there is a cultural change within companies, dealing with the possibility of a disaster in the field of Information Technology with similar we chose to make a life insurance, home or car mode. The difference is that if there was a safe haven for business most likely would not compensate for the incalculable loss resulting from interruption. The real insurance companies, then, is being prepared for the uncertain.

For those who are not yet convinced with the need of a disaster recovery plan, following 12 good reasons to revise that stance and begin to consider to be prepared for eventualities:

  1. Reduce potential financial losses
  2. Ensure greater security for customers and employees
  3. Reduce liability obligations
  4. Minimize the risk of negative exposure
  5. Reduce downtime of operations
  6. Ensure greater stability of the organization before unforeseen
  7. Decentralize the solution of problems
  8. Provide a well-orchestrated recovery
  9. Protect company assets
  10. Reduce insurance premiums
  11. Minimize the impact of any disaster
  12. Facilitate crisis management.

It is important to emphasize the importance of the management team, as it coordinates the recovery process. Individuals are specially trained to evaluate the disaster, activate the recovery plan, and make contact with managers of other teams – so that each of them put into practice what should be done within the deadline and within the agreed budget. This crisis management team also oversees and documents accompanying the recovery process, being responsible for decisions in terms of setting priorities, policies and procedures.

Cloud disaster recovery services are also part of the strategic disaster recovery. They enable companies to lower operating costs, more flexible contracts. With this, companies that previously did not include large investments in the prevention of this problem now feel encouraged to take this important preventive attitude. It is a business model where the customer has access to a variety of services, applications and solutions guaranteed by the provider. The strategy is to let you have access to company data remotely, and may also make upgrades quick, easy and seamless way. Furthermore, the impairment of certain infrastructure is not enough to affect the whole, since it is possible to pass to access the data using another platform.


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