
Benefits of Private Cloud Technology

Private-Cloud-Technology-[Infographics]The concept of “private computing infrastructure” (private computer utility) was first described by Douglas Parkhill in his book “The basic principles of computing infrastructure” in 1966. However, the main objective of the project was the concept of a direct comparison with other industries, as well as identifying opportunities for greater use of hybrid models in order to balance supply and reduce risks. The concept of a private cloud is mainly based on its three advantages: Privacy – through the use of a private network; security – the ability to restrict access; and the correspondence principle – in fact, there are many vendors offering solutions according to standards compliance. We propose to consider the main benefits of private clouds in more detail.


Private cloud is a system that emulates cloud computing on private networks and provides an opportunity for hosting applications and virtual machines on your own host companies. Using a private cloud is acceptable for enterprises seeking to restrict access to their systems. You have full root access, and you can specify exactly the server and the location of your data and applications. Companies working in finance or insurance, often strive to improve the security of their data and want to restrict access to them. In this case, the ideal solution would be hosting it in a private cloud.


Most businesses prefer a private cloud technology, since it offers the maximum benefit with minimum investment. Furthermore, the protection of personal information is extremely important if your data are available on the virtual machines. Since private cloud is hosted on a private network, it becomes possible to ensure 100% uptime. By adjusting the private cloud, you can do for your company with the expenditure of much less effort. Setting as other cloud deployment models is challenging enough as compared to using a private cloud. Despite the fact that the share of private clouds solutions had a lot of criticism from defenders of privacy principles, the technology selected government agencies and large IT companies to protect the most important data. Companies that host a private cloud, are able to manage, monitor and ensure communication and virtual storage between the user and the host company both legally and illegally.


To achieve compliance with standards such as FISMA (USA), the Ordinance on Data Protection (EU), as well as the requirements of the credit card industry – users can choose more expensive and limited release in the best community or hybrid deployment models of cloud. For example, Google now has the opportunity to organize their activities in accordance with the standards and the additional requirements of public policy beyond FISMA. Even customers in the EU contracting with outside suppliers must adhere to the requirements of the EU export data. In most cases, providers are certified SAS 70 type II, which, however, can not be adopted because the required standards and requirements are often inaccessible, and different from each other. That is why many providers usually provide this information upon request and after signing a nondisclosure agreement. Many providers offer innovative and comprehensive compliance program, which brings together the expertise of leading industries and allows the use of private cloud technology in the development of your business to achieve its business objectives.

New company helps its customers to design and implement a private cloud based on modern technologies and platforms from companies Microsoft, VMware Citrix and ESDS Software Solution, and also allows you to rent their data center resources for private cloud solutions.



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